Monday, November 28, 2005

This is "Jojo" doing "Take a Bow." Just watch playhouse disney, then you'll get it. Posted by Picasa

Aunt Lea and Uncle Taylor came over to make dinner for us! Yum! Posted by Picasa

We took the kids out to John's work for trick or treating (that's the fastest any 2 year old has ever learned that "tick-or-treat" means CANDY) Posted by Picasa

Madeleine was Jojo (from Jojo's Circus) for Halloween Posted by Picasa

Harrison was Nemo for Halloween Posted by Picasa

We got a trailer for the bike and the kids LOVE it (especially with 3 blankets and the windscreen down.) Posted by Picasa

Harrison, lovin' the camera! Posted by Picasa

Madeleine and Kira Logue "dancing" at Oktoberfest. Posted by Picasa

Dad, "Senior," and John out doing manly things (working on the fence). Posted by Picasa

Hiking up at Snowbird with the Logues. Posted by Picasa